Our bluebird Infant program provides a nurturing and safe environment ti make the first year of life comfortable and engaging for these precious little ones.
Routines are designed to focus on meeting each child’s individual needs for care, food, sleep, play and social interactions. The first goal for this program is to nurture trusting relationships and feelings of security and well-being. Our second goal for this are-grupos is to provide and engaging atmosphere to help stimulate senses and awareness, and encourage safe explorations of this environment as they grow and become more mobile.
Our Bluebird house provides opportunities four our infants to be exposed to music, reading, games, and even sign language. Babies cognitively need various opportunities to explore the world through their senses. So, as our infants mature, we will safely guide them through many sensory experiences to help them see, feel, taste, and touch the natural world around them
Please feel free to call us with any questions or concerns. The direct line to the Parakeet House is 858-270-5297.